RollCall Terminology - HEDA Edition

This documentation is for the HEDA version of RollCall. RollCall for HEDA is built around the HEDA architecture and, while it shares much of the terminology with the Standard Edition, some of the tabs are slightly different.

RollCall creates several custom tabs that each store different kinds of information about your courses and students. A few quick definitions will make understanding the entire app easier:


In the HEDA architecture, a Course represents an instructional element of a curriculum that will be taught repeatedly over time to groups of different students each time. A Course might be Algebra 101, which is offered several times per term and many times over the years.  RollCall doesn't really use Courses except as they are required for Course Offerings.


In the HEDA architecture, a Term is a period of time during which academic activities occur. For example, several courses are taught in any one Term. RollCall doesn't really use Terms except as they are required for Course Offerings.

Course Offering:

  • A planned series of instructional meetings with a defined topic or focus, time-constrained by Term.

  • Typically multiple, regular meeting times (e.g.; MWF 11 AM from Sept. 1 to Dec. 14.)

  • Consistent instructor or instructors.

  • Consistent group of participants, although RollCall can accommodate additions or drop-outs.

Course Offering is a HEDA-native object. RollCall extends this object to include scheduling fields and some other custom fields that help control calendar visibility.  


A participant in the course, typically one who is expected to attend every meeting.  All students must be entered as Contacts in Salesforce before they can be attached to a Course.

Course Connection:

The process of indicating that a Student is Connected to a Course Offering (we refer to this in RollCall documentation as "Enrollment.") Enrollment is generally a one-time process per course offering, per term, no matter how many times the Course Offering meets. Typically an Enrollment name will be a combination of a Course Offering Name and a Student Name (e.g.; Jean Valjean Intro to French.) All Course Connection (Enrollment) records for a single Course Offering are displayed when a teacher or administrator views the course roster.

Students may have multiple Course Connections, but should typically only have one per Course Offering.


Each individual meeting of a Course Offering. Typically a Session name will be a combination of the Course Offering name and the Date (e.g.; Intro to French Fall 2017 12-12-2017.)  RollCall automatically creates Session records for you, based on the schedule you define on the Course. Sessions are not created for holidays that you choose to skip. Sessions are what display on the course calendar.

Session is a RollCall custom object and extends the native HEDA architecture.


Each Student's participation in a single Session of a Course Offering. RollCall automatically creates Attendance records for each Student when they are enrolled (when a Course Connection record is created for a Course Offering.) All Attendance records for a single Session are displayed when a teacher takes attendance.

Attendance is a RollCall custom object and extends the native HEDA architecture.

RollCall HEDA Edition / Standard Edition:

RollCall has two versions - Standard Edition and HEDA. The HEDA architecture comes with higher education and k-12 specific objects to define students, enrollments, and courses already, and RollCall extends those core objects to accommodate sessions and attendance. 

Standard Edition RollCall is designed for nonprofits, training centers, and anyone else who is not running HEDA. It creates its own custom Course and Enrollment objects in addition to Sessions and Attendance. 

Both versions of RollCall have the same automatic scheduling, enrollment and visual features that make it easy to use. The only difference is one is HEDA native and one is stand-alone.