Reschedule a Session

Reschedule One Session

Sometimes a class session is not canceled, just moved to another day or time. To change just one session:

(1) Find the Course record

You can reach your record many different ways. The image below shows a search - make sure to choose the Course (not the Session).

RC4 Search for Course.png

(2) Click on the “Session List” tab to view all sessions for this course.

RC4 Chose Session List.png

(3) Click on the name of the session you wish to reschedule.

(4) Click on the “Details” tab.

RC4 Session Details Tab.png

(5a) To change the DATE, you must change the date in 3 fields:

  • Session Date

  • Class Start Date/Time

  • Class End Date/Time

The Class Start Date/Time and Class End Date/Time fields control the calendar. The Session Date is used in most reporting and the session name. It is on the roadmap for a future release to update the automations so you only have to change one field.

RC4 Session Change Date.png

(5b) To change the TIME, change 2 fields:

  • Class Start Date/Time

  • Class End Date/Time

RC4 Session Change Time.png

Note that the attendance records tied to this session will not be renamed, but they are attached to the correct date/time in all statistics and reporting. Your systems administrator can set up a Process Builder to rename all linked attendance records if this is important for your organization; the names of the attendance records are just a convenience and are not really used in the RollCall user experience.

Reschedule Many Sessions

We recommend using an editable list view to reschedule many sessions. Please note that list view filters are native Salesforce functionality, and subject to your user’s permissions. You may need to ask your Salesforce systems administrator for assistance with the following steps.

(1) Click on the “Sessions” tab

(2) Choose the “Single Course” list view

RC4 Session List View.png

(3) Click the funnel icon to change the filters.

(4) Click in the filter “Session Name” to open the edit panel.

(5) Change the Session Name to the criteria that will find the sessions you wish to change.

RC4 Session Bulk Filters.png

(6) Check the boxes to the left of the sessions you want to edit in bulk. Or just click the pencil icon to edit inline like a spreadsheet.

RC4 Session Multi Select.png

(7) If you are making a change that applies to many records, choose “all # recordsin the edit box.

RC4 Session Update All.png

(8) Click “Save” to save your changes.