Cancel a Course
Cancel a Course
Sometimes a course that was planned does not ever get taught. It’s easy to cancel the class outright and remove it from the calendar without losing reportable data like how many students were originally enrolled.
(1) Find the Course record
You can reach your record many different ways. The image below shows a search - make sure to choose the Course (not the Session).
(2) Click the “Details” tab.
(3) Change the Course Status picklist to “Canceled”
Please note that your Salesforce systems administrator may have changed the values of picklist. Choose the value that indicates, for your organization, that this course is canceled outright.
(4) Save
When you click “Save”, all sessions from today’s date and into the future will be canceled. All attendance records linked to future sessions will be marked as “Session was Canceled”. Future sessions will be removed from all course calendars.
You can view the results of the cancelation by clicking the “Session List” tab. In the example below, the course was canceled on May 9th, so all sessions after that are also Canceled. RollCall does not currently have the functionality to “cancel as of” a particular date. You can clean up sessions in the past by canceling them individually.
If you choose any of the canceled sessions, you can see that all students who were scheduled for that session have been automatically marked as “Session was Canceled.” This status is excluded from course statistics and should be excluded from most reports.