Custom Settings: Attendance Session Canceled Value

Attendance Session Canceled Value

This setting controls the part of the Session Flow delivered with RollCall that will automatically update attendance records and set the Attendance Status when an individual Session is canceled or when the entire Course is canceled. This is to differentiate an absence due to the student’s action versus one beyond their control.


Attendance record Status field when a Session is updated IF AND ONLY IF (1) you are using the Flows delivered with RollCall AND (2) the setting Session Canceled Update Attendance is On.

Default Value:

Session was Canceled 

Default Behavior: 

All student Attendance records’ Status field will be set to Session was Canceled when the parent Session record Status is changed to Canceled (or your local equivalent). 

Behavior when setting is changed

Identical to Default Behavior but Status field will be set to your picklist value (whatever is in the Value of the setting) instead of the default one.


Your organization may use the term “Not Conducted” instead of “Canceled” to indicate that a session or course could not be taught. You would change the Attendance picklist value to reflect your local changes and change the value in this custom setting.

To use this setting, you would:

  1. Decide which Attendance Status picklist value means that no student could attend because the course was not conducted on that day, if it differs from the words “Session Was Canceled.”

  2. Find the field Status on the Attendance object and add your custom wording or overwrite the Session Was Canceled value with your custom wording.

  3. Update the “Value” field for this custom metadata record with the exact value of your picklist item from the Status field on the Attendance object.