Custom Settings Overview


RollCall is extensively configurable and much of its functionality is controlled by custom settings stored in Salesforce’s Custom Metadata. This documentation applies to RollCall 1.44 and above. It details each custom metadata setting, what its options are, and when to use it. 

How to Access the Settings

To access these settings, you must be a systems administrator. Go to Settings, then in your quick finder type in “Custom Metadata.” Click on “Custom Metadata Types” then click “Manage Records” next to “RC Config.” 

How to Edit Any Setting

  1. Click “Edit” next to the setting

2. Adjust the “Value” field to whatever is appropriate for that setting and your environment. Unless indicated otherwise in the documentation, never put quotes around the data you enter into the Value field.

3. Click “Save” to apply the setting

Change the setting by editing the Value field

FULL List of All Settings in RC Configs

To see this list by purpose or function, go to the Admin Documentation overview article.